Built-in alerting is a Pro feature available in the Evidently Cloud and Evidently Enterprise.

To enable alerts, open the Project and navigate to the “Alerts” in the left menu. You must set:

  • A notification channel.

  • An alert condition.

Notification channels

You can choose between the following options:

  • Email. Add email addresses to send alerts to.

  • Slack. Add a Slack webhook.

  • Discord. Add a Discord webhook.

Alert conditions

Failed tests

If you use Tests (conditional checks) in your Project, you can tie alerting to the failed Tests in a Test Suite. Toggle this option on the Alerts page. Evidently will set an alert to the defined channel if any of the Tests fail.

How to avoid alert fatigue? Use the is_critical parameter to mark non-critical Test as Warnings. Setting it to False prevent alerts for those checks even if they fail.

Custom conditions

You can also set alerts on individual Metric values. For example, you can generate Alerts when the share of drifting features is above a certain threshold.

Click on the plus sign below the “Add new Metric alert” and follow the prompts to set an alert condition.